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on 1256 New Zealand White rabbits for body weight at weaning
(BW4), 8 (BW8) and 12 weeks (BW12), produced in the period from 2001 to 2003,
were analyzed using four multi-trait animal models (three traits at the same
time) to estimate genetic parameters (direct additive, maternal genetic, common
litter effects and residual variances as well as heritabilities). Model 1
included only animal direct genetic effect, Model 2 the animal direct and
common litter effects, Model 3 also included the effects included in the model
2 plus the animal maternal genetic effect, uncorrelated with the direct effect,
and Model 4 included all the effects included in Model 3, but in this case the
animal direct and maternal genetic effects were included correlated.
of variance component showed that direct additive genetic effects were the
highest (ranged from 23.2 to 49.1%) when using
Model 1, and then greatly decreased when using Models 2, 3 or 4 (ranged
from 0.0 to 10.5%). Estimates of common litter effects were 80.5, 63.5 and
42.7% for BW4, BW8 and BW12, respectively. Estimates of maternal genetic
variance were very low (ranged from 0.0 to 4.3%) for body weights. Estimates of
direct additive heritability were 0.09, 0.11 and 0.0 (when using Model 4) for
BW4, BW8 and BW12, respectively, while the corresponding maternal heritability
values were 0.02, 0.0 and 0.04 for the
same weights. Estimates of direct genetic correlation were very different
(ranged from –0.25 to 0.56) when using the different multi-trait animal models.
Most estimates of maternal genetic correlation were positive and higher than
those of direct genetic correlation.
Estimates of common litter, environmental and phenotypic correlations were
positive and ranged from moderate to high between body weights.
The Qui-squared values show that differences between Model 1 and each of Models 2, 3 and 4 were highly significant. When comparing Model 2 with each of Models 3 and 4, the differences were non-significant. Furthermore, Model 4 should be used only if the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects is supposed to be important.
Rabbits have a number of characteristics that would make them particularly suitable as meat-producing animals, especially when compared with other herbivores. Rabbits could contribute significantly in solving the problem of meat shortage (Taylor 1980; Lebas 1983). Meat of rabbits has a low cholesterol level (50 mg - 10 gm-1), high protein/energy ratio and is relatively rich in essential fatty acids.
The New Zealand White rabbits as a foreign breed are the most prevailing and wide spread over all the world. Genetic evaluation for economic traits in rabbits is required and genetic parameters should be estimated without any bias. Some authors have made studies on genetic parameters of several traits of rabbits. Khalil et al (1986) made an important review article on this subject. However, most of these studies have used the sire or dam model of analysis. Moreover, most of these studies have neglected the effects of common litter and/or maternal genetic effects on post weaning growth traits in rabbits, although, those effects may be more important than additive genetic effects (Ferraz et al 1992; Ferraz and Eler 1996; Iraqi et al 2002). Several other studies have used mixed models, like Baselga et al (1992) and Lukefahr et al (1992). Nowadays, the multi-variate animal model is the best model because it increases the accuracy of selection when the genetic and environmental correlations between traits as well as other relevant information are included.
The main objectives of the present study were to: (1) estimate
genetic parameters (e.g. variance components, direct heritability, maternal
genetic heritability and all genetic and non-genetic correlations) for body
weights at weaning (4-weeks), 8 and 12 weeks of age in New Zealand White rabbits using four multi-variate animal
models, and (2) determine the best
model of the four multivariate models that can be used as selection criteria of
This experiment was carried out at
the Rabbit Farm of the
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Zagazig University,
Banha Branch, Egypt in the period from 2001 to 2003. Locally born rabbits of
the New Zealand White breed were used in this study. This breed came from Bank
El-Nil rabbitry since 1994. Twelve bucks and 55 does were used as the base
population for this work. Bucks and does were individually housed in wire cages
with standard dimensions arranged in one-tire batteries allocated in rows along
the rabbitry with passages suitable for service. Each buck was mated to 4 or 5
does (at 6 month of age). The does were assigned randomly according to the
available numbers. Does were mated in the bucks’ cage and logged individually.
Sire-daughter, full and half sib matings were avoided. Each doe was palpated 10
days thereafter to detect pregnancy. Those which failed to conceive were
returned to the same mating-buck at the day of test. Metal nest boxes were
provided at 27 days after fertile mating. Within 24 hours of kindling, does and
their litters were weighed and recorded. At weaning age (28 days after
kindling), the young rabbits were separated from their dams’ cage, sexed,
weighed, ear-tagged and lodged in collectives cages in groups having automatic
water fountains. Breeding animals and young litters were fed ad libitum a pelleted rabbit ration containing 17.7 %
crude protein, 13 % crude fiber and 2.54 % fat. In winter and early months of spring berseem (Trifolium alexandrium)
was supplied at midday. Cages of all animals (breeding animals) were cleaned and
disinfected before each kindling regularly. Manure was collected daily and
removed outside the rabbitry. All animals were treated and medicated similarly
throughout the work period under the same managerial and climatic conditions.
Data of 1265 individual body weights of animals were recorded at weaning (BW4), 8 (BW8) and 12 weeks (BW12) of age, which were produced from 12 bucks and 55 does (base population) of New Zealand White rabbits (Table 1).
Table 1. Structure of the data analyzed |
Item |
New Zealand White |
No. of sires (in the base population) |
12 |
No. of sires with records |
28 |
No. of dams (in the base population) |
55 |
No. of dams with records |
56 |
No. of animals weaned |
1265 |
Total number of animals in the pedigree file |
1332 |
Data were analyzed using four multi-trait animal models (three traits at the same time) using MTDFREML programs of Boldman et al (1995). Variances and covariances obtained by REML method of VARCOMP procedure (SAS 1996) were used as starting (guessed) values for the estimation of variance and covariance components. Analyses were done according to the general model:
y = Xb + Za +ZM + Zc + e
y = vector of observation;
incidence matrix of fixed effects;
b = vector of fixed effects including sex (2
levels) and year-season (7 levels);
Za, Zm and Zc = incidence matrices
corresponding to random effects of direct additive, maternal genetic and common
litter (dam x litter size at birth x parity combination), respectively;
e =
vector of random errors.
The difference between the four models used refers to the number of random effects included. Model 1 included only animal direct genetic effect, Model 2 the animal direct effect and common litter effects, Model 3 also included the effects included in the model 2 plus the animal maternal genetic effect, uncorrelated with the direct effect and Model 4 considered all the effects included in Model 3, but in this case the animal direct and maternal genetic effects were correlated.
All estimates of BLUP were derived by the
four multi-trait animal models (MTAM) using the MTDFREML program (Boldman et al 1995) adapted to use the sparse matrix package, SPARSPAK () and maternal genetic (
) heritabilities were computed as:
are the variances due to effects of direct
additive genetic, maternal genetic and phenotypic (
), respectively.
To compare animal models, use was made of a property of the mixed model that the higher the likelihood function, the more the model explained the data. Likelihood function is higher when new parameters are included in the model. So, all comparisons between models were tested based on methodology described by Rao (1973) and Mood et al. (1974). This method is based on in fact that the difference
has a Qui-squared
distribution function, after the convergence criteria of the iterative process
has been reached in the different models. The number of degrees of freedom of
this comparison is equal to the number of parameters that were added to the
model. Significance was tested not only at level of P<0.05 and P<0.01,
but also a “practical” significance, based on variation of values of genetic
parameters, was considered in the choice of the “best” model.
Means, standard deviations and coefficient of variability for body weight traits in New Zealand White rabbits are given in Table 2 to characterize the population used. .
Table 2. Means, standard deviations (SD) and coefficients of variation (V%) for body weights at weaning, 8 and 12 weeks of age in New Zealand White rabbits |
Body weight |
New Zealand White |
Mean |
SD |
V% |
At weaning (BW4) |
589 |
217 |
36.9 |
At 8 weeks (BW8) |
1227 |
365 |
29.8 |
At 12 weeks (BW12) |
1903 |
419 |
22.0 |
Variance component estimates in Table 3 show that
percentages of direct additive genetic variance () were the highest (ranged from 23.2 to 49.1 %) when
using Model 1, and then greatly
decreased when using Models 2 or 3 or 4 (ranging from 0.0 to 10.5 %). These
reflect the importance of both common litter and maternal genetic effects on
post weaning body weights in rabbits. Ferraz et al (1992), Ferraz et al (1996) and Iraqi et al (2002) reported that maternal or common litter influences might be
more important than additive genetic effects for post-weaning growth in
rabbits. On the other hand, percentage of
in the present study
was low at a young age (at 4 weeks) and then slightly increased at 8 week. This
may be due to high non-genetic effects (e.g. common litter and non genetic
maternal effects ), which is in agreement with Su et al (1999). Iraqi et al
(2002) found that percentages of
were 9.8 and 24.9%
for body weight at 8 and 12 weeks of age in Z-line rabbits, respectively.
Comparison of variance component
percentages from Models 2, 3 and 4 showed that there were very little
changes in the direct additive genetic variances for the studied traits.
Maternal genetic variance () estimates (Table 3) show that the effects on body weight
traits were very
low (range from 0.0 to 1.8%), when the correlation between direct and
maternal genetic effects was ignored (Model 3), and somewhat increased (range from 0.0 to
4.3%) when that effect was considered (Model 4). When
considering the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects,
estimates of
were increased by
22.4% and 138% for body weights at 4 and 12 weeks of age, respectively as
calculated from Table 3. This indicates that the correlation between the two
effects affected the maternal genetic variance estimates. On the other hand,
these estimates were lower than the corresponding estimates of direct additive
genetic variance (except for body weight at 12 weeks). Using a single trait
animal model, Ferraz et al (1992) obtained percentages of
as 9.1, 16.8 and 3.3%
for body weight at 4, 8 and 11 weeks, respectively, for pooled data collected
on Californian and New Zealand White rabbits.
Table 3.
components estimates [direct additive genetic ( |
Model of analysis++ |
Trait+ |
% |
% |
% |
% |
1 |
BW4 |
14697 |
36.1 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
26033 |
63.9 |
40731 |
0.36 |
-- |
BW8 |
60925 |
49.1 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
63118 |
50.9 |
124043 |
0.49 |
-- |
BW12 |
38482 |
23.2 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
127534 |
76.8 |
166017 |
0.23 |
-- |
2 |
BW4 |
3739 |
7.4 |
-- |
-- |
40536 |
80.5 |
6075 |
12.1 |
50350 |
0.07 |
-- |
BW8 |
14124 |
10.5 |
-- |
-- |
85361 |
63.5 |
34931 |
26.0 |
134416 |
0.11 |
-- |
BW12 |
0.033 |
0.0 |
-- |
-- |
73837 |
42.7 |
98899 |
57.3 |
172736 |
0.00 |
-- |
3 |
BW4 |
4507 |
8.8 |
718 |
1.4 |
40012 |
78.6 |
5696 |
11.2 |
50934 |
0.09 |
0.01 |
BW8 |
14675 |
10.9 |
0.0012 |
0.0 |
85851 |
63.5 |
34709 |
25.7 |
135236 |
0.11 |
0.00 |
BW12 |
0.0082 |
0.0 |
3089 |
1.8 |
71771 |
41.2 |
99191 |
57.0 |
174053 |
0.00 |
0.02 |
4 |
BW4 |
4139 |
8.2 |
879 |
1.7 |
39606 |
78.4 |
5884 |
11.7 |
50510 |
0.08 |
0.02 |
BW8 |
8512 |
6.5 |
0.0082 |
0.0 |
85076 |
64.8 |
37633 |
28.7 |
131221 |
0.06 |
0.00 |
BW12 |
0.0076 |
0.0 |
7367 |
4.3 |
66232 |
38.4 |
99051 |
57.4 |
172652 |
0.00 |
0.04 |
+Traits as defined in table 2. ++Model 1 = direct additive + error; Model 2 = direct additive + common litter effect + error; Model 3 = direct additive + genetic maternal effect + common litter effect + error (when ignored covariance between direct additive and genetic maternal effects); Model 4 = direct additive + genetic maternal effect + common litter effect + error (when considered covariance between direct additive and genetic maternal effects). |
The estimate of common litter effects () for body weight at weaning was higher (80.5%) compared
to that at later ages (63.5% at 8 weeks and 42.7% at 12 weeks). The same trend
was observed by Ferraz et al (1992) and Iraqi et al (2002). However,
percentages of
in this study were
higher than those reported by Ferraz et al (1992) and Iraqi et al (2002) with
New Zealand White rabbits, which ranged from 25.4 to 49.6% for body weight at
different ages. This indicates that the weights of the New Zealand White rabbits
in this study were subjected to a high variability in common litter effects,
because individuals in the same litter were being nursed by
the same dam and reared in the same cage. Lukefahr et al (1996) found that
accounted for 72% of the total
variance for weaning weight of rabbits. Su et al (1999) also found that
accounted for 60% of
the total variance for daily
litter gain during the period from one to 35 days of age in Danish White
rabbits. On the other hand, estimates of
were higher than those
of direct additive, maternal genetic and residual variance (except for body
weight at 12 weeks). Also, Lukefahr et al (1996) reported that common environmental
variances for weaning weight and mature weight were
considerably larger than either additive or residual environmental variance. From this study, one
can conclude that the common litter effect of post-weaning growth should be
considered in genetic evaluation of breeding programs.
of experimental error variance (Table 3) were very high when using Model 1
for all the studied body weights, while these variances were reduced when using
Models 2, 3, and 4. Therefore, common litter and maternal genetic effects
should be considered in the model (Ferraz et al 1992).
Estimates of were 0.08, 0.06 and
0.0 (when using Model 4) for body weights at 4, 8 and 12 weeks, respectively,
while the corresponding maternal heritability estimates were 0.02, 0.0 and 0.04 for the
same weights (Table 3). Ferraz et al (1992) found that estimates of direct and maternal heritabilities were 0.007 and 0.091; 0.043 and 0.168; 0.082 and 0.033 for body
weight at weaning, 8 and 11 weeks of age, respectively. Based on animal model
estimates, Lukefahr et al (1996) and McNitt and Lukefahr (1996) reported
direct and maternal heritabilities of 0.04 and 0.08 for weaning weight,
respectively. Also,
Khalil et al (2000) and Iraqi et al (2002) found direct heritabilities of 0.09 and 0.256; 0.10 and 0.25 for body weight at 8 and 12
weeks, respectively. Comparison of direct heritability values from models 2, 3
and 4 showed that there were very few changes in the variance component
estimates for the studied traits.
Estimates of direct genetic (rG), maternal genetic (rM), common litter (rC), environmental (rE) and phenotypic (rP) correlations between body weight traits are given in Table 4.
Estimates of rG were very different (range from –0.25 to 0.56) when the different multi-trait animal models were used. Actually, this trend makes little sense, and probably can only be best explained by the paucity of data. Similarly, there are wide variations in estimates of rG between body weight traits reviewed by Khalil et al (1986). Mostageer et al (1970) reported a similar estimate of 0.046 for rG between body weights at 6 and 8 weeks. Nossier (1970) found that the estimate of rG was 0.033 between body weights at 8 and 12 weeks. Estimates of rM were positive and higher than the estimates of rG. This indicates that the maternal genetic effect is more important than the direct additive effect. On the other hand, when the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects (Model 3) was ignored, estimates of rM were higher compared to those estimates when the correlation was included (Model 4). The highest direct (0.56) and maternal genetic (1.0) correlations were obtained between body weight at 4 and 12 weeks of age (Model 3). Thus, one can conclude that selection for body weight is more effective at early ages (4 weeks) to improve post weaning growth in rabbits. Estimates of rM are not available in the literature, since previously the maternal genetic effect was included only in single trait rabbit models.
Table 4. Genetic correlation (rG), maternal genetic correlation (rM), common litter correlation (rC), environmental correlation (rE) and phenotypic correlation (rP) estimates for the two body weights in New Zealand White rabbits |
Model of analysis++ |
Traits correlated |
BW4 and BW8 |
BW4 and BW12 |
BW8 and BW12 |
rG |
rM |
rC |
rE |
rP |
rG |
rM |
rC |
rE |
rP |
rG |
rM |
rC |
rE |
rP |
1 |
0.28 |
--- |
--- |
0.58 |
0.45 |
0.43 |
--- |
--- |
0.36 |
0.37 |
0.29 |
--- |
--- |
0.67 |
0.51 |
2 |
-0.18 |
--- |
0.57 |
0.66 |
0.51 |
0.18 |
--- |
0.50 |
0.46 |
0.42 |
0.55 |
--- |
0.66 |
0.59 |
0.58 |
3 |
0.12 |
0.94 |
0.57 |
0.61 |
0.51 |
0.56 |
1.00 |
0.50 |
0.48 |
0.42 |
0.14 |
0.92 |
0.68 |
0.60 |
0.58 |
4 |
-0.25 |
0.42 |
0.56 |
0.65 |
0.50 |
0.30 |
0.64 |
0.50 |
0.47 |
0.41 |
0.05 |
-0.04 |
0.68 |
0.57 |
0.57 |
+Traits as defined in table 2. ++Model 1 = direct additive + error; Model 2 = direct additive + common litter effect + error; Model 3 = direct additive + genetic maternal effect + common litter effect + error (when ignored covariance between direct additive and genetic maternal effects); Model 4 = direct additive + genetic maternal effect + common litter effect + error (when considered covariance between direct additive and genetic maternal effects) |
Estimates of rC were positive and ranged from moderate (0.56 between body weights at 4 and 8 weeks) to high (0.64 and 0.68 between body weights at 4 and 12 weeks and between 8 and 12 weeks, respectively). Iraqi et al (2002) found that estimate of rC between body weights at 8 and 12 weeks were 0.49 and 0.64 in New Zealand White and Z-line rabbits, respectively. This also indicates the importance of common litter effect on body weights in rabbits (Ferraz et al 1992; Iraqi et al 2002). All estimates of environmental and phenotypic correlations were positive and they had the same trend for rC between the studied body weights.
Comparison between
The computed Qui-square value and its significance for the likelihood ratio test for comparisons between different animal models are given in Table 5. Differences between Model 1 and each of Models 2, 3 and 4 were highly significant. Therefore, results obtained from Model 1 are greatly biased and should not be used in any evaluation of breeding programs. This indicates that both common litter effects and genetic maternal effects strongly affected the estimation of (co)variance components for body weights. Ferraz and Eler (1996) and McNitt and Lukefahr (1996) noted that common litter effects were important for growth traits, and they recommended that they should be considered in animal models of such traits.
When comparing Model 2 with each of Models 3 and 4, the differences between values of –2 LOG (Likelihood), obtained with the largest likelihood when convergence criterion were attained, were non-significant. Meanwhile, the differences between Models 2 and 4 are large comparable to differences between Models 2 and 3 because the likelihood function is higher when more random parameters are included in the model. The difference between Model 3 and 4 was non-significant. Thus, estimates obtained from Model 3 or Model 4 (the most nearly complete or complete models) were chosen for reporting of both variance components and heritabilities as that model had the largest logarithm of the likelihood function for multi-trait animal models. Furthermore, Model 4 should be used only if the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects is supposed to be important.
Table 5. Computed Qui- square
value for likelihood ratio test used to compare different animal models used
for (co)variance components estimation in body weight traits in New Zealand
White rabbits. |
Comparison+ |
d.f. |
Computed Qui- |
Critical Qui-square value |
Significant |
Model 1 and 2 |
1 |
1440 |
3.84 |
** |
and 3 |
2 |
1438 |
5.99 |
** |
and 4 |
3 |
1438 |
7.81 |
** |
Model 2 and 3 |
1 |
1.348 |
3.84 |
ns |
and 4 |
2 |
1.867 |
5.99 |
ns |
Model 3 and 4 |
1 |
0.519 |
3.84 |
ns |
+Model 1 = direct additive + error; Model 2 =
direct additive + common litter effect + error; Model 3 = direct additive + genetic maternal effect + common
litter effect + error (when ignored covariance between direct additive and
genetic maternal effects); Model 4 =
direct additive + genetic
maternal effect + common litter effect + error (when included covariance
between direct additive and genetic maternal effects) |
Since the estimate of heritability was higher for body weight at 4 weeks than other ages (when using Model 4), selection for animals is more effective at this age for improvement in post weaning growth in New Zealand White rabbits.
Because the common litter effect is very important for post-weaning growth, one can conclude that the common litter effect should be included in genetic evaluation of breeding programs. Furthermore, estimates of experimental error variance were markedly high when using Model 1 for all the studied body weights, while that variance was reduced when using Models 2, 3, and 4. Therefore, common litter and maternal genetic effects should be included in the model.
Estimates obtained from Model 3 or Model 4 were chosen for reporting for both variance components and heritabilities as that model had the largest logarithm of the likelihood function for multi-trait animal models. Furthermore, Model 4 should be used only if the correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects is supposed to be important.
The correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects affected the maternal genetic variance estimates.
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Received 17 May 2003; Accepted 3 June 2003