Livestock Research for Rural Development

2003, Volume 15, Number 4


Editorial Procedures and Notes for Authors

Editorial policy

The mission of LRRD is to:

To this end the journal publishes both full-length papers and short communications (posters) describing the results of research that relate to the theme of sustainable rural development. Guidelines for the preparation of papers and posters are given in the section on Notes for Authors.

Submitting papers and posters to LRRD

Papers and posters should be sent by E-mail or on diskette to the Senior Editor If acknowledgement is not received within two weeks (in the case of E-mail) then authors should send a reminder to the Senior Editor with details of the file names and dates sent. The papers can be written with the aid of any of the principal word processing software programs and if sent as e-mail should be as attachments or "compressed" files.   Further details are given in "Notes for authors" (see below).

Editing papers for LRRD

The procedure is as follows:

Papers are received and coded (date of receipt and provisional URL) by the Senior Editor and then sent immediately to the sub-editors (or in some cases directly to two reviewers). The sub-editors are responsible for selecting reviewers and following the progress of the paper, to and from reviewers and authors. Sub-editors on the basis of advice from reviewers, and their own assessment,  will recommend:

The responsibility of the reviewers is:

Reviewers' comments are received by the sub-editors who communicate with authors regarding any proposed changes. The sub-editors return the accepted papers to the Chief Editor who, together with the Associate Editor, finalize the editing, and format the paper in "html".

 The edited versions of the papers are then posted on the UTA Web Page so that authors can revise the formatted papers (a restricted URL is sent to the author for this purpose)

The final versions of the papers are sent to the publisher (CIPAV in Colombia) where they are posted on the CIPAV Web Page (

Issues of LRRD now appear on a monthly basis as from January 2003

The Editors and Sub-editors are:

The present list of reviewers is:

Name of reviewer E-mail address  
Anderson, Simon sa
Arango, Jésus A ja
Bernet, Thomas tb
Botero, Raul rb
Chirgwin, Juan Carlos jcc
Combellas, Jorge jc
Dalibard, Christophe cd
Dolberg, Frands fd
Ferraz, Jose Bento S jf
Finzi, Alessandro af
Gučye, Fallou efg
Hansen, Hanne hh
Jensen, Hans hj
Kayouli, Chedly ck
Ku Vera, Juan jkv
Kyvsgaard, Niels nk
Liu  Jian-Xin liu
Lukefahr, Stephen sl
Ly, Julio jl
Mauricio, Rogério Martins rm
Murgueitio, Enrique em
Nguyen Xuan Trach nxt
Ocampo, Alvaro ao
Perez, Rena rp
Plasse, Dieter dp
Quezado, Javier jq
Rosales, Mauricio mr
Sansoucy, René rs
Santos Flores, Jorge js
Tadelle Dessie td
Speedy, Andrew as
Thorpe, Bill wt
Wang  Jiaqi jw
Wilson, Trevor tw

Responsibility for posting the papers on the Home Page of LRRD is with CIPAV (Hector Osorio)

Notes to Authors

The principle tools for publishing the journal are now: Corel Office 2000 (Word Perfect), Lotus 123, Microsoft Office XP or 2000 (MS Word and Excel) and Star Office 5.2. These are the preferred formats for receiving papers and posters.

Authors should examine carefully recent papers and posters in the journal and follow the style currently in use.

Body of Text

- Use the font "Times New Roman" 12 pt.
- Do not use full word capitals for titles nor for names of authors.
- Include your e-mail address below your postal address in the Title
Indicate the Keywords after the Abstract in alphabetical order
Separate the Titles and sub-titles from the previous and next lines by an empty line, using the ‘return’ or ‘enter’ key
Separate each paragraph by an empty line, using the ‘return’ or ‘enter’ key
Make sure the paragraphs are aligned to the left not to “justified”
Avoid to use an indent in the beginning of each paragraph

In text and tables:
Ensure that numbers contain only three digits after or before “000…”
Eg: 234.214  becomes 234
becomes 1.24
0.00032176  becomes 0.000322
for R2 only two digits after or before “00…”
eg: R2 = 0.677 becomes R2 = 0.68

Where possible, please always supply the original spreadsheets and data which were used to produce graphics in the papers, since this allows us to produce a uniform look and maintain the quality of the finished journal.


Please format  using the Table menu, and not Tabs and Spaces
- when using the tabular format please allot a new cell  to each piece of data.
- include the title of the table as well as the notes at the bottom of table inside the Table itself not in the body of the text.


They should be set up with minimum punctuation but maximum detail of the actual citation. Abbreviations of journal titles should not be used.  In the list of references, citations to "Livestock Research for Rural Development" should include the appropriate "URL" for the article. For example:

Gučye E F,  Ndiaye A and  Branckaert R D S 1998 Prediction of body weight on the basis of body measurements in mature indigenous chickens in Senegal; Livestock Research for Rural Development. (10) 3:

Check that this URL is correct and functioning by double clicking on it: it should lead you to the Web site.!


- Use the Spell-Check tool in order to correct any spelling mistake, and

- Ensure that references in the text are in the reference list and vice versa.
An easy way to check this latter point is to print the reference list and then from the beginning of the text to use the "FIND" command and type "19" and then "20". This will locate all the references assuming you have cited correctly the source including the date.

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